Our Mission: To Know Jesus & Make Him Known

Our Core Values

These core values are to serve as a guide for this fellowship. The goal is to help you understand our values and what we are reaching for as a fellowship of believers. This is not a typical “what we believe” statement of faith. Rather, our purpose is to provide guiding principles for our life together as a fellowship.

  1. Jesus Christ is the head of the church. He has been given a name above every other name. He rules over everything in the universe, including Satan and his kingdom. Eventually every knee will bow and acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord of all lords.  Jesus Christ has purchased us, so we have access to His authority when we live in alignment with His kingdom. We can expect battles, but we know that victory is ours as we live in Jesus Christ.

  2. We place the highest value on loving God and loving people. All the commandments and the law point to these two as being supreme. Relationship is more important than performance. Because of this, every member has a place of honor in the assembly. Money, social position, education or any other outward measure of success should not affect the level of respect one will receive over another.

  3. Prayer is the lifeblood of any ministry. We encourage prayer alone, together, before service, after service and anywhere in between. Prayer is not a burden; it is an endless adventure.

  4. Teaching God’s Word will be a priority. It is the only final authority over our lives, our families and our ministry. God’s Word is the only source of absolute truth, and therefore creeds, other books, sermons, prophecies or other supernatural gifts do not carry equal power over our lives. (2 Pet. 1:19) These other things may have great value but will never be considered as an equal authority to scriptures.

  5. Children and young people are valuable and a priority. Helping parents train children at home and providing training in our children’s ministry is in our hearts. It takes a young man’s vision to fulfill an old man’s dream. (Joel 2:28) We choose to intentionally transfer the baton of leadership to the next generations.

  6. Gossip and slander is harmful to the church of Jesus Christ. No room or excuse can be made for gossip, false accusations or slander. This not only includes our local assembly but the universal body of Christ. We want to create an atmosphere that excludes critical mindsets, pettiness, comparison and the intrigue and drama that accompanies these things.

  7. We embrace humility and sincerity. Leaders and those they lead are all sheep that need to be led by the Great Shepherd. We will do all we can to foster unity in our own group and with all other churches and ministries who honor Jesus Christ and the scriptures. Humility precedes promotion. (1 Pet. 5:5-6)

  8. All authority begins with God Himself, and every human authority originates with God. We choose to honor those who lead and to be in careful submission to those who have the responsibility to shepherd and serve God’s people — not in fear, but out of love. (Eph. 5:21)

  9. When we gather, everyone can participate. This may include giving a testimony, exhort, prophesy, sing, share an insight or revelation or minister in another way. Not all are called to speak or sing, but all can be actively ready and prepared to minister. Peter said, “Whoever speaks, let them speak as an oracle (mouthpiece) of God.” Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14: “I want all of you to prophesy.” Later in the chapter he says, “one has a song, one has a Psalm, one an exhortation, another a revelation.” It then explains, “Let everything be done to build up and strengthen the rest of the church and be done in a way that does not cause confusion or in a way that will cause harm to the whole group. If only the pastor can speak, the church will miss great benefits that the other members can provide. We want a culture of honor where all feel valued and important. Not all are apostles, prophets, evangelists, or pastor teachers, but everyone can come with a lively heart to add what they possess. For this to work, humility, teachable minds and love must abound.

  10. We value the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The gifts of God are not theoretical but valuable and powerful tools necessary to the church. We don’t want to merely believe in them and adore them; we want them active and useful inside and outside the church. Freedom to exercise the gifts of God’s Spirit comes with a price tag. There must be the ability to teach, tweak and even at times correct problems that can come with the freedom to exercise the gifts of God. As much as possible, input and correction can be provided behind the scenes to keep liberty and freedom in our services.

  11. Music and true worship come from the heart. Polished entertainment can never replace active hearts giving praise and worship to God. Our worship can be and must be in Spirit and in truth (Jn. 4:23-24) Scriptures tell us to lift up our hands to God, to shout to God, to rejoice. Worship is primarily for Him, not for us. If we give God true heart worship, both God and His people will go away satisfied. If we insist on musical agendas and our preconceived ideas, God and man will be unsatisfied.

  12. Our services together can be filled by life and power and reality. Where God is present, there will be liberty and an absence of stress and anxiety. We choose not to try to impress anyone but God. Rather, we invite all to expect the power and the real presence of God to satisfy those who come regularly and those who may be here for the first time. (2 Cor. 3:18) “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.” Services may be exuberant, solemn, profound or even hilarious. The personality of any given service is not as important as the Lord Himself present with us.

  13. God has been remarkably gracious and forgiving to us; therefore, we can be merciful, kind and patient with each other. Believers who are prickly, narrow, arrogant and dogmatic do not reflect God. Legalism and harshness kill the life of a church. We want no part of that spirit or attitude. We would rather err on the side of mercy than obsessive control and suffocating rules.

  14. We want all visitors to find easy access to friendship, acceptance and a complete absence of cliques or mysterious barriers due to religious culture or language or certain behavioral requirements. We believe when lives are touched by God, they will change. God catches His fish… and cleans them at His leisure. We want those who come to be touched by the work of God rather than mechanical or programmed attempts of men.

  15. There are two very distinct kingdoms in the world. Every man, woman, and child lives under the authority of one or the other. There is no third kingdom. Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior have transferred their allegiance, citizenship and lives to Him. Scripture says God has transferred us from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. We now have become responsible to promote all that is aligned with this new kingdom. Over time our lives should be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, and our lives should be a bright light outside the church walls as well as inside.